Muten-Rôshi's friend and long-time companion, the good-natured lovable turtle lives in the Kame House with the elderly hermit. During Dragon Ball Z in the anime filler, he celebrates his 1,000th birthday in episode 117. He plays a relatively small part in the manga, but he has quite a few large roles in the anime. When he first appeared, he was in the wilderness, alone and lost. He was picking mushrooms when he got separated from his friends and had since been wandering around on land for over a year. Goku kindly takes on the task of returning him to the ocean, which he is very grateful for. It is Umigame who introduces Muten-Rôshi to Bulma and Son Goku. Umigame does not care much for Muten-Rôshi's perverse interests, enjoying honest interests himself. He was one of the first animal characters Goku meets and befriends, giving a small sense of irony that in the final Dragon Ball GT episode, he's one of the few characters that Goku bids farewell to after departing with Shenlong. In the anime, his power level is 0.001, as evident when Bulma tests Raditz's scouter in the Vegeta Saga.