Fudoumine 2nd Year Birthday: November 30 Height: 188cm Weight: 80kg Blood Type: O Dominant Hand: Right Play Style: Aggressive Basliner Shoes: YONEX (POWER CARBON WIDE193 (SHT-193W)) Racket: TOALSON (EZ-122TITANIUM) Special Move: Hadoukyuu Favourite Food: Oyster, Fried meatball Hobby: Training (Sitting under the waterfall) Family: Father, Mother, Younger sister, Older Brother Father's occupation: Carpenter Favorite Subject: History, Home Economics Favorite Color: blue Preferred type: someone with small frame Ishida is the tallest member of Fudomine, and probably one of the strongest. His special move is the Hadoukyuu which he learned from his older brother, Gin. He plays doubles with Sakurai and went up against Seigaku's Fuji-Kawamura pair.