Birthday: March 17 Height: 187 cm (6'1½") Weight: 73 kg (161 lbs) Rojuro Otoribashi, commonly referred to as Rose (ãƒãƒ¼ã‚º, RÅ�zu?), is the former captain of the 3rd Division. He became captain approximately one year before Kisuke Urahara. He is an effeminate man with long, wavy, blond hair and a frilly shirt. He seems to be interested in music, as he speaks to Love about an artist's new single and has been seen playing or tuning a guitar on several occasions. Rose appears to be one of the calmer and perhaps wiser ones amongst the group, though he becomes irritated whenever Love spoils a manga's story for him. His zanpakutÅ�'s hilt is in the shape of a diamond with curved edges, and its sheath is encrusted with diamonds.