Ninjin (�ん�ん) means Carrot in Japanese hence his name was translated as Carrot in the English versions. As such, his hair seems to resemble a carrot. His hair covers his eyes but when he is surprised, his eyes pop out from behind his hair. He also has freckles on his face. He is 9 years old and was a member of Usopp's Pirates before Usopp joined the Straw Hat Pirates. He uses a frying pan as a weapon. He wants to open a bar when he grows up. In the 4Kids version, this was changed to say that he wanted to open a vegetable restaurant, while in the English version of One Piece: Unlimited Adventure it was stated he wanted to open a nightclub. He is voiced by Kate Oxley in the Funimation Dub. First Appearance: Chapter 23; Episode 9 (Source: One Piece Wikia)