Grade: year 3, class 2 #5 Birthdate: 3/17 (pisces) Blood type: B Height: 177 cm Weight: 63 kg Foot size: 27cm Eyesight: 2.0 in both sides Speed of spinning pen during class: Cannot be determined Tennis Style: Speed Tennis Hand: Right Racket:: BRIDGESTONE (WINGBEAM S65) Shoes: BRIDGESTONE (ARCH POWER DURA HEAT) Fave food: Vegetable Juice, Oden with muscle inside Hobbies: Window-shopping Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother, Iguana, cousin (Oshitari Yuushi) Father's occupation: Doctor (home doctor) Committee: Broadcasting Best subject: English, Math Worst subject: world history Most visited spot in the school: 放�室 (broadcasting room) *Went to the same elementary school as Yuushi* Spends his allowance on: hair bleach Motto: NOスピードNOライフ (No speed no life) Movie: Speed Book: モータース�ーツマンガ (motor sports manga) Music: Rap Color: Red, White Type: An innocent girl Favorite date spot: Go on a roller coaster in an Amusement park Most desired/needed item: New belt Daily routine: Takes care of his iguana Dislikes: Waiting Special skill: Drums Known as Naniwa's Speed Star, Kenya is even faster than Kamio Akira. Originally scheduled to play doubles 1 against Seigaku, Kenya selflessly agreed to sit on the bench in order for his teammate Chitose Senri to play against Tezuka Kunimitsu.