Birthdate: May 14 Horoscope: Taurus Height: 185CM Weight: 64KG Blood Type: 0 School Year: 3 Subject: Astrology Homare is the captain of the archery club and a 3rd year. He specializes in astrology so he gives advice regarding people’s personalities based on their star signs. He’s sweet and gentle and pretty much makes it obvious that he likes Tsukiko. While he may be gentle to her if anyone gets on his bad side there’s rage to be unleashed. The year before, they lost the championship because Homare got really nervous under pressure. This was a big issue for him, but because Tsukiko gave him words of encouragement he kept going on as the archery team captain. One day Tsukiko overheard a conversation of Homare over the phone and she thought she was Homare's girlfriend and she started to avoid him, Homare told Tsukiko that after the competition he will confess to the girl he likes. When they win the competition homere confessed his love for Tsukiko and she was so happy and she also confess to him, then he hugs her. When he graduates he ask her to call him by his first name because the next captain will be Ryunosuke and also ask her for a kiss to make a promise to be together forever. After 5 years they are looking at churches to decide where will be getting married.