Identity: Barnaby Brooks Jr. Nicknames: Bunny, Super Rookie Birthday: October 31, NC1953 Gender: Male Eyes: Green Hair: Blond NEXT Power: Hundred Power Sponsors: Apallon Media (Sponsor Company for Bunny), Bandai, Amazon.co.jp, "Crusade System" Card Series Barnaby Brooks Jr. (�ーナビー・ブルックスJr.) is a rookie hero who does not conceal his secret identity and the newest addition to Hero TV. Partnered with and possessing the same power as Wild Tiger, he relies more on strategy than force. He is liked by many people as he is seen as cool and handsome. He is currently the top-notch hero, with the famous title, "King of Heroes." Barnaby is logical and won't rush off into a fight without a plan. Unlike his partner, he is only part in the hero business for the points he earned in his hero career. Barnaby used to act only for the fame and points, but that doesn't mean he is cold-hearted. His stoic and cool demeanor was eventually broken by Kotetsu. He actually does care about others, such as his nanny who bakes him a cake every year for his birthday. After Jake's arrest, Barnaby is shown more frequently with a smile and he seems to enjoy himself more often. Though he still cares about the points, he argues less and now works very well with Kotetsu. MAJOR SPOILER He appears to be very emotionaly unstable and suffers emotional and mental breakdowns due to the death of his parents as well as the false memories that were implanted into him by Albert Maverick. MAJOR SPOILER It was revealed in "Tiger & Bunny Movie 2: The Rising" that he actually cared about the money given from HERO TV because Barnaby donates to charity and takes the kids out due to his emotionally tragic past regarding his parents, plus implies he has the same reasons as Kotetsu for being a hero. (Source: Tiger & Bunny Wikia)